Dop Course Outline
OS7140 Metamaterial Physics
Last Revised: 2018-03-26
Course Objectives
To learn the knowledge of metamaterial physics, and understand the current researches in this area
Textbook 1. Waves in Metamaterials, by Laszlo Solymar & Ekaterina Shamonina
2. Journal articles and papers
3. Notes by myself
Topical Outline 1. Maxwell‘s Equations
2. Homogeneous and inhomogeneous media
3. Scattering and resonance
4. Surface wave and guided wave
5. Negative refraction and superlens
5. Wire arrays and split-ring resonators
6. Effective medium, impedance, and refractive index
7. Metamaterials and photonic crystals
8. Optical metamaterials and acoustic metamaterials
9. Optical and acoustic invisibility cloaks
10. Transformation optics and transformation acoustics
11. Topological photonics and topological phononics
Textbook 1. Waves in Metamaterials, by Laszlo Solymar & Ekaterina Shamonina
2. Journal articles and papers
3. Notes by myself
Topical Outline 1. Maxwell‘s Equations
2. Homogeneous and inhomogeneous media
3. Scattering and resonance
4. Surface wave and guided wave
5. Negative refraction and superlens
5. Wire arrays and split-ring resonators
6. Effective medium, impedance, and refractive index
7. Metamaterials and photonic crystals
8. Optical metamaterials and acoustic metamaterials
9. Optical and acoustic invisibility cloaks
10. Transformation optics and transformation acoustics
11. Topological photonics and topological phononics