Dop Course Outline
OS7182 Topics on the Physics of Metamaterials
Last Revised: 2018-04-11
Course Objectives
Learning to do researches on the topics of metamaterials
Textbook Lecture notes by myself, Review articles+ Current research papers
Topical Outline 1. Negative refraction and left-handed media
2. Hyperbolic metamaterials
3. Superlens and Hyperlens
4. Invisibility cloak and transformation optics
5. Acoustic metamaterials
Textbook Lecture notes by myself, Review articles+ Current research papers
Topical Outline 1. Negative refraction and left-handed media
2. Hyperbolic metamaterials
3. Superlens and Hyperlens
4. Invisibility cloak and transformation optics
5. Acoustic metamaterials