Dop Course Outline
OS3005 Introduction to Lasers
Last Revised: 2018-04-11
Course Objectives
This course aims to understand the phyics of lasers and the applications.
Textbook Laser Physics, Simon Hooker and Colin Webb, Oxford University Press, 2010.
Topical Outline 1. History of lasers
2. Interaction of radiation and matter
3. Properties of laser
4. Population inversion
5. Threshold condition for lasing
6. Cavity
7. Q-switch and mode-locking
8. Different types of lasers
9. Applications of lasers
Textbook Laser Physics, Simon Hooker and Colin Webb, Oxford University Press, 2010.
Topical Outline 1. History of lasers
2. Interaction of radiation and matter
3. Properties of laser
4. Population inversion
5. Threshold condition for lasing
6. Cavity
7. Q-switch and mode-locking
8. Different types of lasers
9. Applications of lasers