Dop Course Outline
OS2010 Experiments in Electronics
Last Revised: 2018-04-11
Course Objectives
Following the course "Circuit Theory" in the last semester, this experimental class aims to let students prove the circuit theory by themselves through the experiments. Students will get familiar to the operation of various measurement instruments through the experiments, which can provide the necessary training for future work or research.
Textbook Lab Notes
Topical Outline 1. 實驗室規則及儀器簡介
2. 歐姆定律及電錶量測
3. Kirchhoff電壓與電流定律
4. 戴維寧、諾頓與重疊定理
5. RC電路的暫態響應
6. RC, RL and RLC之電路響應
7. 相位量測及頻率響應
8. 二極體之I-V特性曲線及整流電路
9. 二極體之應用電路
10. 電晶體之I-V特性曲線
Textbook Lab Notes
Topical Outline 1. 實驗室規則及儀器簡介
2. 歐姆定律及電錶量測
3. Kirchhoff電壓與電流定律
4. 戴維寧、諾頓與重疊定理
5. RC電路的暫態響應
6. RC, RL and RLC之電路響應
7. 相位量測及頻率響應
8. 二極體之I-V特性曲線及整流電路
9. 二極體之應用電路
10. 電晶體之I-V特性曲線