Dop Course Outline
OS7181 Application optics
Last Revised: 2018-04-11
Course Objectives
understand the concept and application of the application optics
Textbook Dr. Sun teaching materials
Topical Outline 1. Introduction to geometrical optics
2. Thin lens imaging theorem
3. Eye
4. Paraxial ray tracing
5. Aberration theory
6. Real ray tracing
7. Rayfan and spot diagram
8. Optical modulation transfer function
9. Application of the prism in optical systems
10. Structures and properties of optical systems
11. Guide to lighting and illumination
Textbook Dr. Sun teaching materials
Topical Outline 1. Introduction to geometrical optics
2. Thin lens imaging theorem
3. Eye
4. Paraxial ray tracing
5. Aberration theory
6. Real ray tracing
7. Rayfan and spot diagram
8. Optical modulation transfer function
9. Application of the prism in optical systems
10. Structures and properties of optical systems
11. Guide to lighting and illumination