Dop Course Outline
OS6023 Radiation and Detection
Last Revised: 2018-04-11
Course Objectives
Students can learn the fundamental principles in radiometry, photometry, and optical detection.
Textbook "The Art of Radiometry", J. M. Palmer and B. G. Grant, SPIE Press.
Topical Outline 1. Propagation of Optical Radiation
2. Radiometric Properties of Materials
3. Generation of Optical Radiation
4. Detectors and Instrumentation
5. Radiometric Measurement and Calibration
Textbook "The Art of Radiometry", J. M. Palmer and B. G. Grant, SPIE Press.
Topical Outline 1. Propagation of Optical Radiation
2. Radiometric Properties of Materials
3. Generation of Optical Radiation
4. Detectors and Instrumentation
5. Radiometric Measurement and Calibration