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OS6016 Interferometry and Interferometers Last Revised: 2018-04-11
Course Objectives This class introduces the properties and theories of optical interference and applies to thin-film optics and interferometers.


Textbook Primary References
S.H. Chen Interferometry and Interferometers(2012)
E. Hecht: Optics 4th Ed 2001

Secondary references
E. Goodwin & J. Wyant: Field Guide to Interferometric Optical Testing 2006
Malacara: Optical shop Testing 2nd Ed 1992
M. Born and E. Wolf: Principle of Optics 7th Ed 2007
P. Hariharan: Optical Interferometry(*)
W.H. Steel: Interferometry 2nd Ed 1983
K.J. Gasvik: Optical metrology 1987
M. Klein & T. Furtak: Optics 2nd Ed 1986
Francon: Optical Interferometry
Jenkins & White : Fundamentals of Optics

Topical Outline OS6016 Syllabus
Lecture Section Covered
Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2 Maxwell’s Eq., Wave Eq.
Lecture 3 Wave Eq.(con’t), Polarization
Lecture 4 Polarization(con’t), Retarder, Compensator
Lecture 5 Basic interference, Beam division
Lecture 6 Coherence
Lecture 7 Coherence (con’t)
Lecture 8 Two-beam interference
Midterm Exam Test 1~8 lectures
Lecture 9 Two-beam interference(con’t)
Lecture 10 Multi-beam interference
Lecture 11 Multi-beam interference(con’t)
Lecture 12 Thin films
Lecture 13 Multilayer films
Lecture 14 Interferometry
Lecture 15 Interferometry (con’t)
Final Exam Test all lectures

.Address: Kwoh-Ting Optics and Photonics Building, No. 300, Zhongda Rd., Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
.TEL: +886-3-4227151 ext. 65251.FAX:
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