Dop Course Outline
OS2018 Wave Optics
Last Revised: 2025-02-27
Course Objectives
The goal of this class is to understand the theory of the wave optics, to be familiar with the relationship between coherence, interference and diffraction, and to further develop the principles of Fourier optics.
Textbook Hecht, E., Optics 5th ed., Pearson Education (2017).
Topical Outline 1. Introduction to waves
2. Superposition of waves
3. Interference
4. Diffraction
5. Fourier Optics
6. Coherence theory
Textbook Hecht, E., Optics 5th ed., Pearson Education (2017).
Topical Outline 1. Introduction to waves
2. Superposition of waves
3. Interference
4. Diffraction
5. Fourier Optics
6. Coherence theory