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OS2014 Fundamentals of Electronics II Last Revised: 2025-02-27
Course Objectives This course provides an introduction to the basic devices and circuits in modern electronics. In continuity with Fundamentals of Electronics II. Students will learn the basic combination circuits of BJTs and MOSFETs, including current mirrors / cascade circuits / differential circuits. This is one of the fundamental and pre-requested courses in photonics, electronics and electrical engineering. Students will learn how to analyze the basic knowledge of logic design. Combining with CMOS circuits, fundamentals of logic operation will be given.


Textbook “Microelectronic Circuits” 8th edition, Sedra / Smith “Digital Design – with an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, VHDL, and System Verilog,” by Mano & Ciletti

Topical Outline Fundamentals of Electronics II
Frequency response
- Circuit combination
Transistor module
- Current mirror
- Differential amplifier
- Cascode amplifier
(Power amplifier)
Digital circuit
- CMOS circuits
- Digital number system
Combinatorial logic
- Logic gates
Sequential logic
- Latches / Flip-Flops

.Address: Kwoh-Ting Optics and Photonics Building, No. 300, Zhongda Rd., Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
.TEL: +886-3-4227151 ext. 65251.FAX:
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