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Dop Course Outline
OS7140 Metamaterial Physics Last Revised: 2024-10-17
Course Objectives Students enrolled in the course can learn the necessary knowledge about meta- materials. When they complete the course, they are ready to start working on metamaterial related research.


Textbook I will filter out the necessary materials from published research papers and review articles, and use my own notes and slides as textbook/References

Topical Outline 1. Vibrations and resonance
2. Dispersion relation of phonons
3. Maxwell equations and electromagnetic waves
4. Polariton, plasmon, and surface
5. Anisotropic medium and hyperbolic
6. Refractive index: positive and negative
7. Perfect lens and subwavelength
8. Energy density in metamaterials
9. Cloaking: physics and engineering
10. Acoustic metamaterials
11. Metasurfaces
12. Quantum metamaterials
13. Photonic and sonic crystals
14. Topological metamaterials
15. Space-time metamaterials

.Address: Kwoh-Ting Optics and Photonics Building, No. 300, Zhongda Rd., Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
.TEL: +886-3-4227151 ext. 65251.FAX:
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