Dop Course Outline
OS6003-A Fourier Optics
Last Revised: 2023-12-21
Course Objectives
Makes the students able to:
1. Understand the physical meaning of spectrum in optics
2. Use frequency spectrum to calculate various optical characteristics
Textbook J. Goodman. Introduction to Fourier optics, 3rd ed., by JW Goodman. (2005)
Topical Outline 1. Fourier transform and spectrum space ( Matlab course is included)
2. Linear systems and convolution operations
3. Foundation of scalar diffraction theorem
4. Mid-field and far-field diffraction ( Matlab course is included)
5. Analysis of coherent optical systems
6. Frequency analysis of optical imaging system ( Matlab course is included)
Textbook J. Goodman. Introduction to Fourier optics, 3rd ed., by JW Goodman. (2005)
Topical Outline 1. Fourier transform and spectrum space ( Matlab course is included)
2. Linear systems and convolution operations
3. Foundation of scalar diffraction theorem
4. Mid-field and far-field diffraction ( Matlab course is included)
5. Analysis of coherent optical systems
6. Frequency analysis of optical imaging system ( Matlab course is included)