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OS3017 Optics based on electromagnetism Last Revised: 2023-12-21
Course Objectives "This course starts with the mathematical tools of wave and wave equation. By combining Maxwell's equations, the EM wave and optical wave basic properties can be obtained and described. Starting from this EM wave based concepts, light-matter interaction can be revised with new perspective. Polarization, another essential properties of EM wave, is then introduced and discussed. Finally, the course will end with the advanced light-matter interaction topics including metal, semiconductor, and nonlinear optics as the starting points of advanced study later on.  


Textbook 1. E. Hecht, "Optics", 4th Ed., Addison Wesley Press, New York, August 12, 2001, ISBN-10: 0805385665, ISBN-13: 978-0805385663" 2. Modern Atomic and Optical Physics II Lectures by M.D. Lukin,

Topical Outline 1. Wave motion
2. Electromagnetic theory
3. Polarization
4. Photon
5. Light-matter interaction

.Address: Kwoh-Ting Optics and Photonics Building, No. 300, Zhongda Rd., Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
.TEL: +886-3-4227151 ext. 65251.FAX:
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