Dop Course Outline
OS7009 Quantum Optics
Last Revised: 2023-05-13
Course Objectives
量子光學是一門研究光的量子特性以及光與介質交互作用的學問. 由量子力學的語言所描述的光場將展現出與古典光學截然不同的性質, 並表現出許多有趣的量子現象如具有量子糾纏的光子對和量子干涉現象等. 在應用層面上, 量子光學也扮演著量子科技中如量子通訊和量子感測的科學基礎, 使這些工程領域突破古典工程所能達到的極限. 本課程將概述量子光學的知識, 學習如何用量子力學的方法描述光場以及其和物質交互作用的過程. 歡迎對相關領域有興趣的同學加入討論.
Textbook 1. Gerry, Christopher, Peter Knight, and Peter L. Knight. Introductory quantum optics. Cambridge university press, 2005. 2. Fox, Anthony Mark, and Mark Fox. Quantum optics: an introduction. Vol. 15. Oxford university press, 2006. 3. Loudon, Rodney. The quantum theory of light. OUP Oxford, 2000. 4. Scully, Marlan O., and M. Suhail Zubairy. "Quantum optics." (1999) 5. Kok, Pieter, and Brendon W. Lovett. Introduction to optical quantum information processing. Cambridge university press, 2010. 6. Modern Atomic and Optical Physics II Lectures by M.D. Lukin,
Topical Outline 1. Field quantization
2. Quantum state of light
3. Beam splitter
4. Photon-atom interaction
5. Jaynes–Cummings model
6. Electromagnetically induced transparency
7. Quantum information processing
Textbook 1. Gerry, Christopher, Peter Knight, and Peter L. Knight. Introductory quantum optics. Cambridge university press, 2005. 2. Fox, Anthony Mark, and Mark Fox. Quantum optics: an introduction. Vol. 15. Oxford university press, 2006. 3. Loudon, Rodney. The quantum theory of light. OUP Oxford, 2000. 4. Scully, Marlan O., and M. Suhail Zubairy. "Quantum optics." (1999) 5. Kok, Pieter, and Brendon W. Lovett. Introduction to optical quantum information processing. Cambridge university press, 2010. 6. Modern Atomic and Optical Physics II Lectures by M.D. Lukin,
Topical Outline 1. Field quantization
2. Quantum state of light
3. Beam splitter
4. Photon-atom interaction
5. Jaynes–Cummings model
6. Electromagnetically induced transparency
7. Quantum information processing