Dop Course Outline
OS6046 Optical Information Processing
Last Revised: 2022-05-31
Course Objectives
"This is an advanced Fourier Optics course, which introduces advanced theory together with applications in information processing."
Textbook 1. Coherent Optics and Information Processing, Y.S.Cheng 2. Introduction to Fourier Optics 3rd Edition Chapter eight and nine, J. W. Goodman 3. Handout
Topical Outline "0. Review of Fourier optics
1. Fourier transforming property of lens with spherical-wave illumination
2. Abbe-Porter experiment, Zernike phase-contrast microscope, and deblurring
3. Systems for convolution and correlation
4. Image subtraction and differentiation using grating filters
5. Pattern recognition using Vander Lugt correlator and Joint transform correlator
6. Deblurring using convolution
7. Range-Doppler Principle and Synthetic Aperture Radar data processing
8. Holography and Holographic Interferometry
9. Fast Fourier transform and Binary Fourier transform hologram
10. Optical security by spatial filtering
11. Computed Tomography (Fourier slice theorem and filtered back projection)
12. Discrete analog optical processors
13. Invariant pattern recognition (circular harmonic expansion, synthetic discriminant function, Mellin transform,radial harmonic expansion)
14. Acoustic-optic signal processing systems
15. Self-imaging
16. Wigner distribution function and Fractional Fourier transform
17. Incoherent optical processing of complex data
18. Achromatic system for holography, achromatic Fresnel diffraction, Achromatic optical processing
19. Space-variant optical processing, Superresolution, Interferometric imagery, …"
Textbook 1. Coherent Optics and Information Processing, Y.S.Cheng 2. Introduction to Fourier Optics 3rd Edition Chapter eight and nine, J. W. Goodman 3. Handout
Topical Outline "0. Review of Fourier optics
1. Fourier transforming property of lens with spherical-wave illumination
2. Abbe-Porter experiment, Zernike phase-contrast microscope, and deblurring
3. Systems for convolution and correlation
4. Image subtraction and differentiation using grating filters
5. Pattern recognition using Vander Lugt correlator and Joint transform correlator
6. Deblurring using convolution
7. Range-Doppler Principle and Synthetic Aperture Radar data processing
8. Holography and Holographic Interferometry
9. Fast Fourier transform and Binary Fourier transform hologram
10. Optical security by spatial filtering
11. Computed Tomography (Fourier slice theorem and filtered back projection)
12. Discrete analog optical processors
13. Invariant pattern recognition (circular harmonic expansion, synthetic discriminant function, Mellin transform,radial harmonic expansion)
14. Acoustic-optic signal processing systems
15. Self-imaging
16. Wigner distribution function and Fractional Fourier transform
17. Incoherent optical processing of complex data
18. Achromatic system for holography, achromatic Fresnel diffraction, Achromatic optical processing
19. Space-variant optical processing, Superresolution, Interferometric imagery, …"