Dop Course Outline
OS6076 Thin Film Design & Fabrication
Last Revised: 2021-03-28
Course Objectives
Design and production of the thin film is very important. This course introduces how to design and product the thin film for students and reduce learning time of research and work in the future.
Textbook "Thin-Film Optical Filters, Fourth Edition"
Topical Outline "1. The theory of optical thin film
2. The design of optical thin film
3. The principle of vacuum
4. The production methods of optical thin film
5. The measurement methods of optical thin film"
Textbook "Thin-Film Optical Filters, Fourth Edition"
Topical Outline "1. The theory of optical thin film
2. The design of optical thin film
3. The principle of vacuum
4. The production methods of optical thin film
5. The measurement methods of optical thin film"