Dop Course Outline
OS7038 Optical Computing
Last Revised: 2020-10-05
Course Objectives
To learn the programming technique for the problems in optics
Textbook K. Kawano, T. Kitoh, ‘Introduction to optical waveguide analysis,‘ John Willy & Sons, Inc.(please download the electric book in library)
Joseph W. Goodman, ‘Introduction to Fourier Optics,‘ McGRAW-HILL internaltion editions
Topical Outline Programming in optics using Matlab for the following subjects:
Fast Fourier Transform
Fabry-Perot filter
Fourier optics
Helmholtz equation
Schrodinger equation
Beam Propagation Method
Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method
Programming in Python
Introduction to artificial intelligence
Textbook K. Kawano, T. Kitoh, ‘Introduction to optical waveguide analysis,‘ John Willy & Sons, Inc.(please download the electric book in library)
Joseph W. Goodman, ‘Introduction to Fourier Optics,‘ McGRAW-HILL internaltion editions
Topical Outline Programming in optics using Matlab for the following subjects:
Fast Fourier Transform
Fabry-Perot filter
Fourier optics
Helmholtz equation
Schrodinger equation
Beam Propagation Method
Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method
Programming in Python
Introduction to artificial intelligence