Dop Course Outline
OS2003 ElectromagnetismⅠ
Last Revised: 2020-10-05
Course Objectives
Students should develop in-depth knowledge of electromagnetism and relevant mathematical skills.
Textbook Introduction to electrodynamics by David J. Griffiths
Topical Outline 1. Vector analysis
2. Electrostatics
3. Boundary value problems, method of images, separation of variables, and multipole expansion
4. Electric fields in matter
5. Magnetostatics
6. Magnetic fields in matter
Textbook Introduction to electrodynamics by David J. Griffiths
Topical Outline 1. Vector analysis
2. Electrostatics
3. Boundary value problems, method of images, separation of variables, and multipole expansion
4. Electric fields in matter
5. Magnetostatics
6. Magnetic fields in matter