Dop Course Outline
OS7193 Digital Circuit
Last Revised: 2018-10-02
Course Objectives
Students will learn the operation principles of the digital electronic system, and to be capable of the analyzing and designing on the digital circuits.
Textbook “Digital design: with a introduction to the Verilog HDL,”
by M. Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti,
Pearson; 6 edition (March 17, 2017)
Topical Outline 1. Number Systems
2. Coding and Decoding
3. Boolean Algebra and Logic Operations
4. Karnaugh Maps
5. Logic Gates
6. Combinatorial digital circuits
7. Flip-flops
8. Registers
9. Counters
10.Sequential digital circuits
Textbook “Digital design: with a introduction to the Verilog HDL,”
by M. Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti,
Pearson; 6 edition (March 17, 2017)
Topical Outline 1. Number Systems
2. Coding and Decoding
3. Boolean Algebra and Logic Operations
4. Karnaugh Maps
5. Logic Gates
6. Combinatorial digital circuits
7. Flip-flops
8. Registers
9. Counters
10.Sequential digital circuits