Dop Course Outline
OS7183 Special Topics on Physics of Photonic Devices
Last Revised: 2018-03-26
Course Objectives
As part of this course, students will develop a solid understanding of the physics behind important semiconductor optoelectronic devices and photonic devices that most of the course will not cover due to its complexity.
Textbook 1. Lecture Notes
2. S.-L. Chuang, Physics of Optoelectronic Devices (John Wiley & Sons, 1995)
3. A. Yariv, Quantum Electronics (Wiley, 1989)
4. T. K. Gaylord and M. G. Moharam, Proc. IEEE, 73, 894 (1985)
Topical Outline 1. Review of Schrodinger‘s Equation
2. Perturbation Theory in Quantum Mechanics
3. Time-Harmonic Perturbation and Fermi‘s Golden Rule
5. Optical Processes in Semiconductors
6. Coupled-Mode Theory
7. Grating Diffractions
Textbook 1. Lecture Notes
2. S.-L. Chuang, Physics of Optoelectronic Devices (John Wiley & Sons, 1995)
3. A. Yariv, Quantum Electronics (Wiley, 1989)
4. T. K. Gaylord and M. G. Moharam, Proc. IEEE, 73, 894 (1985)
Topical Outline 1. Review of Schrodinger‘s Equation
2. Perturbation Theory in Quantum Mechanics
3. Time-Harmonic Perturbation and Fermi‘s Golden Rule
5. Optical Processes in Semiconductors
6. Coupled-Mode Theory
7. Grating Diffractions