Dop Course Outline
OS7136 Research Tools
Last Revised: 2018-03-26
Course Objectives
1. To introduce the essential capabilities for thesis research
2. To help students understand the procedure of thesis research
Textbook Reference: Lecture Notes
Topical Outline 1. Simulation:
1.1 C language
1.2 Labview
1.3 Numerical Analysis
2. Experiment: Instrumentation Automation
2.1 Instruments (Oscilliscopes, Multimeters, Power Supply, ...)
2.2 Interfaces: GPIB, RS232, USB
2.3 Data Acquisition
2.4 Labview Automation
3. Report Preparation
3.1 Word Processing
3.2 TeX/LaTeX
3.3 MS-Word
3.4 MS-PowerPoint
2. To help students understand the procedure of thesis research
Textbook Reference: Lecture Notes
Topical Outline 1. Simulation:
1.1 C language
1.2 Labview
1.3 Numerical Analysis
2. Experiment: Instrumentation Automation
2.1 Instruments (Oscilliscopes, Multimeters, Power Supply, ...)
2.2 Interfaces: GPIB, RS232, USB
2.3 Data Acquisition
2.4 Labview Automation
3. Report Preparation
3.1 Word Processing
3.2 TeX/LaTeX
3.3 MS-Word
3.4 MS-PowerPoint