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Research Laboratories

With the grand opening of Kwoh-Ting Optics and Photonics Building located next to Jhongda Lake in the northwest corner of the campus, the number of labs in DOP rapidly increases to more than 50. They are homes to faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students as well that translate brilliant ideas and hard work into publications in the world’s topnotch journals, conference proceedings, and patents. A list of DOP’s labs sorted by room number is provided below.

Room No. Laboratory Principal Investigator Key Areas Phone No.
IL-413 Biomedical Optical Imaging Laboratory (II) Chen, Szu-Yu +886-3-4227151-25239
IL-414 Liquid Crystal Electro-Optical Laboratory (II) Cheng, Ko-Ting

Liquid crystal physics, Polymers, Azobenzenes, Nanoparticles, Liquid crystal electro-optical devices (light shutter/lens/grating), Flexible electronics, Liquid crystal display techniques, etc

IL-415 Wave Physics Laboratory Luan, Pi-Gang

Photonic Crystals, Negative Refraction, Quantum Physics

IL-416 Wave Engineering Laboratory Luan, Pi-Gang

Photonic Crystals, Negative Refraction, Quantum Physics

IL-417 Nano Biomedical Laboratory Chang, Rong-Seng

Galaxy Bio Chips, Nanowires for the Stem-cell Nerve regeneration, Moire optics used in image analysis of the sense of pain, Nano-photocatalyst used in lens decontamination, Heterodyne interferometric detection, Biophotonics

IL-420 Lighting and Display Ergonomic Assessment Laboratory Chen, Yi-Chun +886-3-4227151-25241
IL-421 Ultrafast Optics Laboratory (I) Tai, Chao-Yi

Integrated optics, nonlinear optics, laser physics and ultrafast phenomena

IL-422 Ultrafast Optics Laboratory (II) Tai, Chao-Yi

Integrated optics, nonlinear optics, laser physics and ultrafast phenomena

IL-504 Plasmonics Laboratory II Wang, Chih-Ming

Nano/micro optics,plasmonics, applications of metamaterials.

IL-506 Opto-electro-thermo Integration Laboratory Chung, Te-Yuan

High Power Laser, Solid State Laser, Laser System Design, Thermal Management

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.Address: Kwoh-Ting Optics and Photonics Building, No. 300, Zhongda Rd., Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
.TEL: +886-3-4227151 ext. 65251.FAX:
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