Faculty & Staff
Profile of Prof. Cheng-Chung Lee —2018-04-26
Professor Cheng-Chung Lee received his BS and MS degrees in physics from Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan, and PhD degree from Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona, USA in 1969, 1974 and 1983, respectively. Prof. Lee returned to Taiwan after his PhD, at a time when the thin-film industry in Taiwan was quite undeveloped. With his experiences and endeavors, he almost single handedly transformed the industry into a viable sector that is able to support the impressive advances in optics and optoelectronics. This result was assured by his remarkable efforts with the enthusiasm and encouragement. His work plays as an important role to the progress of optics and photonics in Taiwan and also in the world. The press in Taiwan has dramatically described him as the "Father of Optical Coatings." Actually with him, the industry is able to catch up and compete with the thin-film industry anywhere else in the world.
In the National Central University (NCU), he is an outstanding professor. Besides dedicating to the research of thin film optics, coating processes and interferometry, he also devoted to the general education. He have raised funds for a new building and founded the Department of Optics and Photonics and Thin Film Technology Center, facilitated student exchange programs between NCU and College of Optics Sciences, U of A, USA. Up to date, he has mentored more than 200 MS and 32 PhD., published more than 200 journal papers, 400 conference papers (30 Invited talks, 8 Keynote Speakers or Plenary Speakers), encouraged students to contribute to optical society (as adviser of SPIE Student Chapter & OSA Student Chapter at NCU), offered 2 to 3-day intensive course 84 times for more than 2600 people and inspired middle high school students to study optics and photonics through one-day tutoring for more than 400 students.
In addition, Prof. Lee has been instrumental in the internationalization of Taiwan’s vacuum and optical engineering community. In 1998 while serving as the president of Taiwan Vacuum Society (TVS), he collaborated with the Vacuum Society of Japan and Australia to organized Vacuum and Surface Sciences Conference of Asia and Australia (VASSCAA). In the years 2007, 2008, and 2010, while serving as the convener of the National Science Council (NSC) and president of the Taiwan Photonics Society (TPS), he transformed the annual conference on Optics and Photonics in Taiwan from a domestic event to an international one and named it as Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference, OPTIC. Furthermore, he was designated by the Optical Society of America (OSA) as the co-organizer of the 2011 International optics and photonics conference in Taiwan. These endeavors have considerably boosted the international visibility of Taiwan’s optical engineering research, and bridged the international community and inland researchers, and then many professors’ researches have been recognized by the international optical community and at least 12 professors were honored as fellows by SPIE and/or OSA.
Prof. Lee is SPIE Fellow and OSA Fellow, and has serviced as Chair of SPIE Fellows Committee in 2011 & 2012. Now he is the emeritus, honorary chair professor, NCU. He is also a chair professor of the National Chung Hsing University and Feng Chia University. He was honored as the recipient of 2016 SPIE Educator Award. Prof. Lee believes that education is very important and is the best way to make the human civilization progress to the correct direction. He said that knowledge is not knowledge unless it has been shared with others and wisdom is not wisdom unless it can inspire others. The correct technology shall be able to improve human well-being while without damage the nature. For guiding, educating, developing and inspiring the optical coating industry in Taiwan for over 30 years and serving as a key figure in its growth and success, he was honored as the recipient of 2018 OSA Sang Soo Lee Award.
Ph.D., OpticalSciencesCenter,University of Arizona,USA.
l Ph.D., OpticalSciencesCenter,University of Arizona,USA, 1983
l MS., Physics Department,Cheng-Kung University,Taiwan, 1974
l BS., Physics Department,Cheng-Kung University,Taiwan, 1969
1. Honorary Professor, Emeritus Professor, Department of Optics and Photons, National Central University (NCU), Taiwan
2. Board of Directors, Photonics Industry and Technology Development Association (PIDA), Taiwan ( 1997/06 ~ present)
3. Board of Directors, Tung Sheng Chang Foundation of Culture and Education (1997/12 ~ present)
4. Visiting Scholar, Instrument Technology Research Center (ITRC), National Applied Research Laboratories (NARL), 2016/8/1~2017/6/30
5. Chair Professor, Feng Chia University, College of Sciences, 2015/2/1~2017/7/31
6. Chair Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung-Hsing University (NCHU), Taiwan (2009/08 ~ 2018/07)
7. Chair Professor, Department of Optics and Photons, National Central University (NCU), Taiwan (2009/08 ~ 2017/12)
1. Dean, College of Science, National Central University (NCU), Taiwan (2010/08 ~ 2016/01)
2. Director, Institute of Optical Sciences, National Central University (NCU), Taiwan (1993/08 ~ 1996/07)
3. Professor, Institute of Optical Sciences, National Central University (NCU), Taiwan (1993/02 ~ 2006/07)
4. Professor, Department of Optics and Photons, National Central University (NCU), Taiwan (2006/08 ~ 2016/01)
5. Distinguished Professor:NationalCentralUniversity(NCU),Taiwan(2005/08 ~ 2009/07)
6. Chair Professor, Department of Optics and Photons, National Central University (NCU), Taiwan (2009/08 ~ 2017/07)
7. Preparatory Director, Department of Optics and Photons, National Central University (NCU), Taiwan (2005/04 ~ 2006/07)
8. Founder and Chair, Department of Optics and Photons, National Central University (NCU), Taiwan (2006/08 ~ 2009/07)
9. Founder and Director, Thin Film Technology Center, National Central University (NCU), Taiwan (2004/02 ~ 2015/12)
10. Chair, Common Research Lab of National Central University and Delta Electronics Inc., National Central University (NCU), Taiwan ( 2006/01 ~2015/12)
11. Acting Director, Hakka Reseach Center, National Central University (NCU), Taiwan (2009/12 ~2011/01)
12. Preparatory Directorr, United Research Centers, National Central University (NCU), Taiwan (2009/07 ~ 2010/05)
13. Dean, United Research Centers, National Central University (NCU), Taiwan (2010/05 ~2011/01)
14. Coordinator, The Optics & Photonics Group, National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan ( 2005/09 ~ 2006/12)
15. Coordinator, The Optics & Photonics Program, Engineering Division, National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan (2005/12 ~ 2008/12)
16. Visiting Professor, Laboratories de Physique des Lasers , University Paris 13 (2009/11~2009/12 & 2010/03~2010/04)
17. Guest Professor, State Key Lab of Metal Matrix Composites, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. (2011)
18. Research Professor, ULVAC (Japan) (2001/06 ~ 2003/06)
19. Research Associate: Optics and Photons Group, Chung-Shang Institute of Science andTechnology,Taiwan(1983/07 ~ 1991/02)
20. Research Assistant, Laser Physics Group, Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (1974/08 ~ 1979/07)
21. Teaching Assistant, Physics Department, Cheng-Kung University (1970/08 ~ 1974/08)
22. Chair, Education Center of Optical Thin Film and Colorimetry for Image Display Technology, Ministry of Education, Taiwan (2004/08 ~ 2008/12)
23. Technical member, ROC Satellite Payload Instruments No. 1 (ROCSAT-1) Ocean Color-photographic Instrument (OCI) Technique transfer group accepted from NEC, 1996/01~1997/06
24. Board of Directors, Vision Optical Society of ROC (1989/12 ~ 1992/12)
25. Chair of the Academic Affair, Taiwan Optical Engineering Society (1989/12 ~ 2001/12)
26. President, Taiwan Optical Engineering Society (2008/01 ~ 2009/12)
27. President, Taiwan Photonics Society (TPS) (2010/01 ~ 2013/12)
28. Honorary President, Taiwan Photonics Society (2014~ present)
29. Board of Directors, The Taiwan Vacuum Society (TVS) (1994/12 ~ 2004/12)
30. President, The Taiwan Vacuum Society (1996/12 ~ 1998/12)
31. Honorary President, Taiwan Vacuum Society (2005~ present)
32. Board of Directors, Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film (TACT ) 2010/01~2016/12
33. Member, Optical Society of America (OSA) (1993 ~ present)
34. Member, The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) (2003 ~ present)
35. Member, Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC) (1997 ~ present)
36. Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (1997 ~ present)
37. Member, Material Research Society (MRS) (2005 ~ present)
38. Vice Chair, Taiwan Chapter, SPIE (2004/01 ~ 2005/12)
39. Chair:TaiwanChapter, SPIE ( 2006/01 ~ 2007/12)
40. Vice Chair, Taiwan Local Section, OSA (2007/01 ~ 2009/12)
41. Chair, Taiwan Local Section, OSA (2010/01 ~ 2011/12)
42. Adviser, Student Chapter at NCU, SPIE (2005/03 ~ 2015/12/31))
43. Adviser, Student Chapter at NCU, OSA ( 2009/01 ~2015/12/31)
44. Fellow, The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) ( 2006)
45. Fellow, Optical Society of America (OSA) (2007)
46. Member of Fellows Committee, The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) ( 2009 &, 2010)
47. Chair of Fellows Committee, The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) ( 2011 & 2012)
48. Member, OSA Applied Optics Editor-in-Chief Search Committee (2014/1~2014/5)
49. Consultant, Melles-Griot K. Y. Ltd.,Taiwan(1986 ~ 1993)
50. Consultant, Advanced Chips and Products Co.,USA(1998)
51. Consultant, DiCon Fiber Optics, Inc.,USA(1999/07)
52. Consultant, Optoelectronics Division, Q Group, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan (1999/07 ~ 2000/12 、 2004 ~ 2005)
53. Consultant, Spectra-Physics Laser, Inc.,USA(2001/08)
54. Consultant, Material Research Division, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan (2004/09 ~ 2004/12)
55. Consultant, Industrial Development Bureau Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan (2005/06 ~ 2005/12)
56. Consultant, ERSO, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan (2005/07 ~ 2005/09)
57. Accreditation Member, Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan (IEET) (2006 ~ present)
58. Accreditation Chair, Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan (IEET) (1996 ~ 1998)
59. Committee Inspector, High Education Accreditation Center of Taiwan (2008 ~ ~ present)
60. Committee Inspector, Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) (2008 ~ present)
61. Committee Appraiser, Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT) (2008 ~ present)
62. Adviser, Adviser Committee, National Applied Research Laboratories (NARL), Taiwan (2009/07 ~ 2011/06)
63. Part-time Researcher, Instrument Technology Research Center (ITRC), National Applied Research Laboratories (2009/07 ~ 2012/06)
64. OSA representative, the 2011 International Photonics Conference (IPC) held Dec. 8-10 in Taiwan.
65. Vice President: Commission to promote LED professional competency assessment (2011/07~2012/06)
66. Member, Advisory of Research CenterCommittee, National Center University (2012/~~2016/01/31)
67. Member, Advisory of Chair Professor Committee, National Center University (2012/~~2016/01/31)
68. Member: Adviser Committee of Chair Professor ofNationalCentralUniversity(Since 2012)
69. Part-time Researcher, Mechanical and System Research Division, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan (2014/09 ~ 2016/12)
70. Senior Consultant, National Space Organization (NSPO), National Applied Research Laboratories (NARL) (2015/3/1~2016/8/31)
Optical Thin Films, Thin Film Coating Technology, Vacuum Technology, Optical Engineering, Interferometry, Thin Film related Colorimetry.
Current Research Areas
1. Energetic Process for Optical Coatings.
2. Optical Coating for Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM).
3. Optical Coating for Plastics.
4. Thin Film Stress and Thermal Conduction Analysis.
5. Microstructure and Macro-Behavior of Optical Thin Films.
6. Optical Interference Coating in UV, DUV Region and Soft X-Ray.
7. Coating for Laser Mirrors, Energy Control and Space Science.
8. Coating for Artificial & Natural Color, Display, Lighting.
9. Photonic Characteristics of Thin Films in Nanometer Scale.
10. Hybrid of Inorganic and Organic Thin Films, Organic Laser.
11. Hydrophobic and hydrophilic coatings.
A. Specialty
l Optical Thin Films(since 1980)
l Thin Film Coating Technology(since 1978)
l Vacuum Technology(since 1976)
l Optical Engineering(since 1985)
l Interferometry(since 1985)
l Thin Film related Colorimetry(since 2002)
l Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic thin film coatings (since 2010)
B. Research Interests
1. Energetic Process for Optical Coatings.
2. Optical Coating for Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM).
3. Optical Coating for Plastics.
4. Thin Film Stress and Thermal Conduction Analysis.
5. Microstructure and Macro-Behavior of Optical Thin Films.
6. Optical Interference Coating in UV, DUV and Soft X-Ray Region.
7. Coating for Laser Mirrors, Energy Control and Space Science.
8. Coating for Artificial & Natural Color, Display, Lighting.
9. Optics & Photonic Characteristics of Thin Films in Nanometer Scale.
10. Hybrid of Inorganic and Organic Thin Films, Organic Laser.
11. Hydrophobic and hydrophilic coatings.
1. Excellent Research Awards, National SciencesCouncil,Taiwan. (1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000)
2. President,TaiwanVacuum Society, (1996/12 ~ 1998/12)
3. Professor Class Researcher by ULVACJapan. This came together with a Research Founding ¥20,000,000 per year for two years. (2001/06 ~ 2003/06)
4. Project Principal Investigator by Tochigi Nikon Co.Japanwith a Research Founding ¥ 35,175,000. (2002/08 ~ 2003/07)
5. Excellent Teacher Award,CollegeofScience,NationalCentralUniversity. (2000)
6. Consultant of Industrial Technology Research Institute,Taiwan. (2004, 2005, 2006)
7. Founder of the ThinFilmTechnologyCenter in the NationalCentral University,Taiwan. (2004/06)
8. Project Principal Investigator sponsored by Delta Electronic Foundation with a Research Founding NT$2,000,000 per year for three years. (2004/07 ~ 2007/06)
9. Distinguished Professor of the NationalCentral University,Taiwan. (2005~)
10. Outstanding Research Award,National Central University,Taiwan. (2005)
11. Honorary President ofTaiwanVacuum Society. (2005) [President (1996/12 ~ 1998/12)]
12. Service as the coordinator of the Optics & Photonics Program, Engineering Division, National Science Council (NSC),Taiwan. --- Planning and service of professors’ researches in the optics and photonic inTaiwan. (2005/12 ~ 2008/12)
13. Chairman of the Preparatory Committee of the Department of Optics & Photonics (DOP),NationalCentralUniversityin 2005, and honored to have NT$257 Million Donation from Delta Electronics, Inc. for a new Building for DOP and another NT$100 Million Matching Funds from the University for Advancing Research, and then be the founder and Chairman of DOP in 2006.
14. Elected as the delegate of optics and photonics of NSC’s Important Achievements by the Science and Technology Yearbook 2006. [Citation: For enforcing industry-university cooperative research project plans, establishing advanced optical coating instruments, and transferring techniques to the commercial products]
15. SPIE Fellow. (2006) [Citation: For specific achievements in thin-film coating]
16. OSA Fellow. (2007) [Citation: For achievements in the areas of optical coatings ranging over pure research, industrial development, and university education]
17. Excellent Technique Transfer Award. National Central University,Taiwan. (2007) [Citation: For technology transferring “Optical Monitoring of Thin-Film through Admittance Diagram” to FSE Corporation.]
18. Excellent Economical Contribution Award. Excellent performance of the Industry-University Cooperation, honored from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan. (2007)
19. Excellent Performance Award, Ministry of Education. Served as the Chair ofEducationCenterof Optical Thin Film and Colorimetry. (2007)
20. Outstanding Research Award,National Central University,Taiwan. (2008)
21. President of Taiwan Optical Engineering Society --- Service for the optics and photonics activities in Taiwan and outreach to international societies for three years. (2008/01 ~ 2010/12)
22. Co-General Chair, ODF’08 (6th International Conference on Optics-Photonics Design and Fabrication, June 9-11, 2008,Taipei.)
23. Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan (2009)
24. Chair Professor,NationalChungHsingUniversity(NCHU),Taiwan. (2009~2012)
25. Chair Professor,NationalCentralUniversity(NCU),Taiwan. (2009~2012)
26. Outstanding Technique Transfer Award,National Central University,Taiwan. (2009)
27. SPIE Fellows Committee. (2009 & 2010)
28. Technique Transfer Award, National Sciences Council (NSC), Taiwan. (2009)
29. Outstanding Technique Transfer Award, National SciencesCouncil,Taiwan. (2009)
30. Visiting Professor, University Paris 13. (2009, 2010)
31. Published a book “Thin Film Optics and Coating Technology”, Yi Hsien Publishing Co., Ltd.Taipei, (1999), 2012 7th edition (ISBN 978-957-616-951-9). It was translated in Japanese in 2002 and reprinted in 2003, in 2005 and in 2008 (ISBN 4-901496-01-8C3054).
32. Service for more than 100 optics companies by either building optical coating production line or upgrading their coating technology. (1986 ~ 2016)
33. Invited to give a speech about optical coatings in the universities for more than 82 times and short course about coatings and optics by industries for more than 77 times. (1988 ~ 2016)
34. Outstanding Technique Transfer Award,National Central University,Taiwan. (2010)
35. Outstanding Technique Transfer Award, National SciencesCouncil,Taiwan. (2010)
36. President,TaiwanPhotonics Society. (2011/01 ~ 2013/12)
37. Chair, SPIE 2011 Fellows Committee. (2011)
38. Guest Professor, State Key Lab of Metal Matrix Composites, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. (2011)
39. Vice President, Commission to promote LED professional competency assessment. (2011-2012)
40. As one of Applied Optics top 50 most published authors within 50 years.(2012)
41. Outstanding Technique Transfer Award,National Central University,Taiwan. (2011)
42. Outstanding Technique Transfer Award,National Central University,Taiwan. (2012)
43. Chair Professor ofNationalCentralUniversity(NCU),Taiwan. (2009~2017)
44. Chair Professor of National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), Taiwan ( 2009 ~ 2018)
45. Chair Professor, Feng Chia University, College of Sciences (2015/2~2017/7)
46. Outstanding Technique Transfer Award,National Central University,Taiwan. (2013)
47. General Chair, OPTIC 2013 (Optics & PhotonicsTaiwan, the International Conference, 5th~7th ,Dec.,NationalCentralUniversity,Chung-Li,Taiwan)
48. Member, OSA Applied Optics Editor-in-Chief Search Committee (2014/1~2014/5)
49. Member, Chair Professor Deliberation Committee, NCU (2012/8/1~2015/7/31)
50. Outstanding Technique Transfer Award,National Central University,Taiwan. (2014)
51. Outstanding Patent Award,National Central University,Taiwan. (2014)
52. Outstanding Contribution Award, Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin films Technology, TACT, (2014)
Citation: For the contributions of education and technology transfer of optical thin films.
53. Distinguish Photonics Award, Taiwan Photonics Society, TPS, (2014)
Citation: For the contribution of promotion of optics and photonics in Taiwan and outreach to international.
54. Outstanding Technique Transfer Award,National Central University,Taiwan. (2015)
55. The SPIE Educator Award (2016)
Citation: In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the growth of the Institute of Optical Sciences and the Department of Optics and Photonics at the National Central University in Taiwan, advances in the science and engineering of optical thin films and coatings by mentoring students and industry personnel, and inspiring high school students to study optics and photonics.
56. TVS Fellow. (2016)
57. The OSA Sang Soo Lee Award (2018) :
Citation: “for guiding, educating, developing and inspiring the optical coating industry in Taiwan for over 30 years and serving as a key figure in its growth and success.”
Deposition Laboratory, Thin-Film Technology Center |
Measurement Laboratory, Thin Film Technology Center |
Measurement Laboratory, Thin Film Technology Center |
Theory and Sinmulation of Optical Thin Film Laboratory |
Design and Analysis of Optical Thin Film Laboratory |
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