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Lasers Last Revised: 2023-02-08

Laser is one of the most important and essential light sources for various researches and applications. Laser research in DOP includes laser physics, laser engineering and laser applications. Laser physics research focuses on the fundamental study of laser behaviors, materials, dynamics, non-linear optics, and ultra-fast phenomena. Laser engineering research is on developing various laser systems, components, schemes and operation conditions. Laser applications research covers a broad range of different research topics and fields using lasers with various wavelengths, pulse durations, energy levels and spatial behaviors. The laser research group closely works with other researcher and research groups by supporting and establishing different laser system to meet their research requirement. The expertise of Prof. Y. H. Chen in on nonlinear optics and designing/manufacturing lithium niobate-based laser systems and laser devices. Prof. C. Y. Tai devotes in ultra-fast laser system and time-resolved non-linear spectroscopy. Prof. T. Y. Chung works on volume Bragg grating which serves as the laser component to control laser mode behavior and wavelength. In the meantime, photoacoustic, photoluminescence, and lock-in thermography are developing for inspecting various specimen. Prof. J. F. Chang works on electrically-pumped organic laser and high efficiency organic optical devices. The expertise of Porf. K. T. Cheng in on liquid crystal which can serve as laser host material for laser operation with the advantage of electrical control and optical characteristic of liquid crystal.

Faculty Involved
Name Position Education Research Interests
Cheng, Ko-Ting Distinguished Professor

Ph.D. in Physics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Physics and electro-optics of LCs, bistable/multistable LC devices, light scattering, alignment and photo-alignment of LCs, flexible electronics, LC display technology, LC simulations, color vision, color gamut, some functional materials (monomers / polymers / azobenzenes / micro-particles / nano-particles / ionic LCs), and LC devices (light shutters / lenses / gratings / apertures / polarization rotator / fast switching /antenna /smart windows)

Chen, Yen-Hung Distinguished Professor (Director, Quantum Technology Center)

Ph.D. Dept. of Nuclear Science, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan, ROC

Nonlinear Optics, Integrated Waveguide Laser Devices, Integrated microchip Solid-State Lasers, Quasi-phase-matching Crystals (nonlinear photonic crystals), Ion Optics

Chung, Te-Yuan Professor

Ph.D. Optics, CREOL /CollegeofOpticsand Photonics,University of CentralFlorida,Orlando,FLUSA

High Power Laser, Solid State Laser, Laser System Design, Thermal Management, Laser Physicsm, Optical simulation

Tai, Chao-Yi Professor

Ph.D. Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, UK

Integrated Optics, Nonlinear Optics, Laser Physics and Ultrafast Phenomena

Chang, Jui-Fen Professor

PhD in Physics, University of Cambridge, UK

Organic thin-film transistor, Organic light-emitting device

Wang, Pei-Hsun Associate Professor
Doctor of Philosophy, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University
Silicon-based microresonators, frequency combs, ultrafast optics, pulse shaping, optical communication
Tsai, Pin-Ju Assistant Professor
Doctor of Philosophy, Department of physics, National Taiwan University
Quantum optics; Atomic, molecular, and optical physics; Quantum communication

Research Summary in DOP

.Address: Kwoh-Ting Optics and Photonics Building, No. 300, Zhongda Rd., Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
.TEL: +886-3-4227151 ext. 65251.FAX:
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