
Home Research Research Laboratories
Nanophotonics Laboratory Room No.: IL-411 Phone: +886-3-4227151-25237
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Prof. Yin-Jung Chang


Key Areas

Nanostructured Photonic Physics and Devices, Electromagnetic Problems in Optics/Photonics, Optical Interconnects

Research Descriptions

Nanostructure Optoelectronic Device and Physics

Experimental Demonstration of Photonic and Plasmonic Energy Conversion Driven by Quasi-Localized Plasmon Resonance

Electromagnetic Problems in Optics/Photonics

AR coating optimization through rigorous EM consideration of entire solar cells, including the backside metal contact

Investigation of Lossy-film-induced optical effect in CIGS solar cells for maximum transmittance into the absorption layer

  • Revealed lossy-film-induced angular and interlayer thickness mismatches between reflectance and transmittance extrema

Short-Reach, High-Speed Optical Interconnects

System level simulation for board-level parallel optical interconnects

Recent Projects

Position Project Project Duration Funding Agent Grant (NT$)
PI Photoelectric conversions based on internal photoemission in periodic subwavelength metal-dielectric multilayered structures 2014-08-01 ~ 2017-07-31 Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
Co-PI Germination Project for Research Achievements, NTHU (3/3)(102-3011-P-007-001-) 2013-11-01 ~ 2014-10-31 Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
Co-PI Germination Project for Research Achievements, NTHU (2/3)(101-3011-P-007-001-) 2012-11-01 ~ 2013-10-31 National Science Council, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
PI Strong Coupling in Lossy Optical Nanocircuitry – Take Novel Plasmonic Waveguide Polarization Splitter as an Example (101-2221-E-008-078-) 2012-08-01 ~ 2013-10-31 National Science Council, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
PI Polarization-Insensitive Subwavelength 90-degree Waveguide Bends in Metal/Multi-Insulator Configuration (NSC-100-2221-E-008-061) 2011-08-01 ~ 2012-10-31 National Science Council, R.O.C. (Taiwan)


Light Sources

- Newport TLS260-250Q Tunable Light Source, High Intensity, 350 - 1800 nm, 250 W QTH.

- Agilent 81940A Compact Tunable Laser Source, C+L, High Performance

- Newport R-30990 He-Ne Laser

- Ocean Optics HL-2000-LL Tungsten Halogen Source

- Laser Diodes

Optical Measurement

- Agilent 86142B Optical Spectrum Analyzer

- Agilent N7788BD Optical Component Analyzer

- Newport 2936-R High Performance Dual Channel Optical Power Meter

- Newport 819D-SL-3.3-CAL Integrating Sphere Detector

- Ocean Optics HR2000+ES Spectrometer

Optoelectronics/Electrical Measurement

- Keithley 6430 Sub-Femtoamp Remote SourceMeter

- Keithlink Probe Station/Probe Positioners

- Thorlabs ITC4001 Benchtop Laser Diode/TEC Controller

Microscope System

- OLYMPUS SZX-7 Zoom Stereo Microscope System


- Newport URS75BCC Rotation Stage + CONEX Controller

Publications and Patents
Journal Papers
1 Y.-J. Chang*, K.-H. Shih, and C.-Y. Hsiao, “Photonic-plasmonic hot-electron-based photodetection with diffracted-order-resolved leaky plasmonic mechanisms,” Nanophoton., vol. 11, pp. 4439-4453, Aug. 2022.
2 Y.-J. Chang*, K.-H. Shih, and K. Muthuramalingam, “Aluminum-based concurrent photonic and plasmonic energy conversion driven by quasi-localized plasmon resonance,” Opt. Express, vol. 28, pp. 37669-37685, Dec. 2020.
3 K.-H. Shih and Y-J. Chang*, “Internal photoemission for photovoltaic using p-type Schottky barrier: Band structure dependence and theoretical efficiency limits,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 123, p. 023107, Jan. 2018.
4 Y-J. Chang* and R.-W. Feng, “Hybrid plasmonic mode converter – Theoretical formulation and design with a graphical approach” Appl. Opt., vol. 56, pp. 5501-5510, Jul. 2017.
5 Y-J. Chang* and R.-W. Feng, “Embedded-Silicon-Strip-to-Hybrid-Plasmonic Waveguide Polarization Mode Converter” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 29, pp. 759-762, May 2017.

Courses Offered

Undergraduate Courses - Required

OS2003 Electromagnetism (I) (Offered in Fall 2018, Fall 2019)

OS2004 Electromagnetism (II) (Offered in Spring 2019, Spring 2020)

OS2010 Microelectronics Laboratory (Offered in Spring 2009 and Spring 2010)

OS2011 Semiconductor Physics in Optoelectronics (Offered in Fall 2008 - Fall 2012, Fall 2017)

OS3002 Introduction to Photonics (Offered in Spring 2014 - Spring 2016)

Undergraduate Courses - Optional

OS3016 Electromagnetism (III) (Offered in Fall 2020)

Graduate Courses

OS6023 Radiometry and Detection

OS6072 Semiconductor Optoelectronic Physics and Devices (Lectured in English)

OS7104 Integrated Optics (Lectured in English)

OS7160 Physical Foundations of Semiconductor Optoelectronics (Lectured in English)

OS7168 Electromagnetic Princples of Photonics (Lectured in English)

OSA020 Electromagnetics

Graduate-Level Special Topics

OS6060 Special Topics on Integrated Optics

OS7131 Special Topics on Electromagnetic Theory (Lectured in English)

OS7183 Speical Topics on Optoelectronic Physics and Devices

People Postdoctoral Fellows

Present Students
Ph.D. students:


MS students:

Fall 2018

Kuo-Hwa Lai

Kuo-Hwa is currently a section manager of MEMS & Photonic Engineering in ASE group.

- Research area: Plasmon-enhanced Si photodetector with OE packaging considerations

Spring 2020

Kuan-Yu Hwang

- Research area: Hot-carrier-based NIR photodetection

Fall 2020

Jung-Jun Dong

- Research area: Hot-carrier-based NIR photodetection

Spring 2021

Hữu Thọ Triệu

- Research area: Hot-carrier-based NIR photodetection

Undergraduate students:


Former Students


You-Chang Liu

Thesis: A 90-degree Waveguide Bend in Metal/Multi-Insulator Configuration for Silicon-Based Optical Nanocircuitry

Guo-Yuan Luo

Thesis: A Novel Metal/Multi-Insulator/Metal Waveguide Plasmonic Bragg Grating

Yu-Ting Chen

Thesis: Broadband Omnidirectional Antireflection Coatings for Metal-Backed Solar Cells Optimized Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm Incorporated with Solar Spectrum

Wei-Lung Li

Thesis: Directional-Coupler-Based Polarization Splitting in Asymmetric Metal/Multi-Insulator Configuration for Optical Nanocircuitry

Chun-Yu Chen

Thesis: Higher-Order-Mode-Synthesized Waveguide Plasmonic Bragg gratings Using Semi-Analytical Approach


Tsung-Han Hsieh

Thesis: Design and Analysis of Plasmonic Waveguide Bends Using Conformal Mapping Incorporated with Transmission-Line Network Approach: Comparisons with Numerical Results.

Chiao-Wei Hsu

Thesis: Resonant Coupling of TE Wave Incidence to Asymmetric Metal-Dielectric Multilayered Structures at Optical Frequencies.

Chi-Sheng Lai

Thesis: Investigation of Lossy-Film-Induced Optical Effects for Maximum Transmittance into Absorption Layers of Thin-Film Solar Cells.


Yu-Huan Chen

Thesis: On the Radiatoin-Mode Enabled Resonant Optical Tunneling in Asymmetric, Single Barrier Potential System with Metal


Tsung-Hsien Yu

Thesis: Photonic-to-Hybrid Plasmonic Polarization Mode Converter


Ko-Han Shih

Thesis: Theoretical Investigations of Solar Energy Conversion
Based on Internal Photoemission in Metals

Karthicraj Muthuramalingam

Thesis: Polarization-Insensitive Two-Dimensional Periodic Metallic Absorbers in Structured Metal-Insulator-Metal Configuration for Plasmon-Enhanced Photoelectric Conversion

Ren-Wei Feng

Thesis: Mode-Evolution-Based Embedded Si Strip-to-Hybrid-Plasmonic Waveguide Polarization Mode Converter


Kuo-Yu Lee

Thesis: Standard-CMOS-Process-Based Avalanche Photodiodes with T-shaped Polysilicon Gratings


Chun-Yu Hsiao

Thesis: Hot-Electron-Based, Coupled-Plasmon-Enhanced Plasmonic Photodetector at Visible Frequencies


Chun-Yu Chen (2010), Hong Chen (2011), Chi-Sheng Lai (2012), Tsung-Tsien Yu (2014), Ko-Han Shih (2014), Wen-Yen Chiu (2014), Da-Qing Zi (2014)

Research Opportunities

We constantly look for M.S. and Ph.D. students who are

  • interested in electromagnetics, semiconductor physics, or solid state physics,
  • not afraid of engineering math or mathematical methods for physics,
  • self-motivated, patient, dare to explore things having no standard answers, and not getting frustrated easily.

If you appreciate having weekly/biweekly one-on-one meeting with Prof. Chang and believe this may be of any help to you, you are the one who shall enjoy your study/research in this group.So please contact Prof. Chang for more details.

Lab Activities
Lab gathering, Spring 2011 (1)
Lab gathering, Spring 2011 (2)
Chi-Sheng and Yu-Huan, Kenting National Park, Summer 2012

.Address: Kwoh-Ting Optics and Photonics Building, No. 300, Zhongda Rd., Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
.TEL: +886-3-4227151 ext. 65251.FAX:
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