
Home Research Research Laboratories
Biophotonics Laboratory(II) Room No.: IL-212 Phone: +886-3-4227151-25222
Lab Website:

Prof. Fan-Ching Chien


Key Areas

1. Optical bioimaging informatics

2. Nanobiomaterials

3. Single molecule biophysics

Research Descriptions

Recent Projects

Position Project Project Duration Funding Agent Grant (NT$)
PI Super-resolution optical microscopy and single particale tracking for interaction analysis between nanomaterials and cell biology 2011-08-01 ~ 2014-07-31 Ministry of Science and Technology
PI Single molecule quantitative analysis via live cell multi-color super-resolution fluorescence localization microscopy and pair correlation analysis (1/3) 2013-08-01 ~ 2014-07-31 Ministry of Science and Technology


Publications and Patents
Journal Papers
1 Fan-Ching Chien, Chiung Wen Kuo, Zong-Han Yang, Di-Yan Chueh, and Peilin Chen, “Exploring the formation of focal adhesions on patterned surfaces using super-resolution imaging,” Small 7, 2906-2913 (2011).
2 Fan-Ching Chien, Chiung Wen Kuo, and Peilin Chen, “Localization imaging using blinking quantum dots,” Analyst 136, 1608-1613 (2011).
3 Shobhit Charan, Fan-Ching Chien, Narendra Singh, Chiung-Wen Kuo and Peilin Chen "Development of Lipid Targeting Raman Probes for In vivo Imaging of C.elegans," Chemistry - A European Journal 17, 5165-5170 (2011).
4 Jen-Hsien Huang, Fan-Ching Chien, Dhananjay Kekuda, Peilin Chen, Kuo-Chuan Ho, and Chih-Wei Chu (Co-first author), "Monitoring the 3D nanostructures of bulk heterojunction polymer solar cells using confocal lifetime imaging", Analytical Chemistry, 82, 1669-1673, (2010).
5 Fan-Ching Chien, Wen-Yen Huang, Jau-Ye Shiu, Chiung Wen Kuo, and Peilin Chen, “Revealing the spatial distribution of the site enhancement for the surface enhanced Raman scattering on the regular nanoparticle arrays,” Optics Express 17, 13974-13981 (2009).

Courses Offered

(OS6015-B) Geometrical Optics

(OS7177)    Single-molecule approaches

(OS7170)    Topics of Optogenetics

People Postdoctoral Fellows

Present Students
Ph.D. students:

MS students:
Yang-Hong Dai, Gerald Abrigo
Undergraduate students:

Former Students
Research Opportunities

Positions opening for postdoctoral fellow, graduate/undergraduate students

Our research topic:

1. Super-resolution bioimaging informatics

2. Single molecule approaches

3. Nanobiomaterials

4. Optogenetics

Investigate the biomedical issues, neuroscience, and cancer. We are looking for motivated persons to join us. For more information, please feel free to contact us.

Chien Group

Prof. Fan-Ching Chien

Office: IL511, 03-4227151 ext 25252

Lab: IL206, 03-4227151 ext 25220


Lab Activities

.Address: Kwoh-Ting Optics and Photonics Building, No. 300, Zhongda Rd., Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
.TEL: +886-3-4227151 ext. 65251.FAX:
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