利用中孔洞氧化矽材料摻雜向列型液晶製作電控散射型光閥/Electrically switchable scattering mode light shutters based on mesoporous silica-doped nematic liquid crystals
姓名 : 楊宜儒
本論文探討利用中孔洞氧化矽材料摻雜向列型液晶所製作之電控散射型液晶光閥的光電特性,內文主要分為三部分,第一部分為探討不同結構之中孔洞材料對液晶散射光閥之影響,藉由量測電壓-穿透度曲線以不同頻率之外加交流電場分別比較空心球型中孔洞氧化矽與中孔柱狀中孔洞氧化矽材料摻雜正型向列型液晶所製作之液晶散射光閥其穿透與散射態之能力。接著使用空心球型中孔洞氧化矽材料混合雙頻液晶製作液晶盒,並根據電壓-穿透度曲線之結果討論利用不同高/低頻率之外加交流電場控制其穿透與散射態之能力。根據上述實驗之結果可間接推論液晶散射光閥之操作原理。第二部分為探討有序與無序中孔柱狀中孔洞氧化矽材料摻雜正型向列型液晶對液晶散射光閥穿透度之影響。藉由1 kHz與10 Hz之外加交流電場量測其電壓-穿透度曲線,比較有序中孔柱狀中孔洞氧化矽與無序中孔柱狀中孔洞氧化矽摻雜正型向列型液晶之穿透與散射態效果。最後根據電壓-穿透度曲線之結果以及對液晶盒施加交流電場之實體目視圖討論摻雜不同濃度之有序與無序中孔柱狀中孔洞氧化矽材料對此液晶散射光閥之雙穩態效果。第三部分主要探討使用擴孔無序中孔柱狀中孔洞氧化矽材料摻雜正型向列型液晶對液晶散射光閥之影響,藉由量測電壓-穿透度曲線之結果,分析無序中孔柱狀中孔洞氧化矽與擴孔無序中孔柱狀中孔洞氧化矽摻雜正型向列型液晶之效果。接續上述實驗結果,將使用擴孔無序中孔柱狀中孔洞氧化矽摻雜正型液晶,分別討論(1)擴孔無序中孔柱狀中孔洞氧化矽摻雜不同正型液晶對其操作電壓與雙穩態效果之影響、(2)表面塗佈不同薄膜材料對液晶散射光閥之雙穩態效果、(3)擴孔無序中孔柱狀中孔洞氧化矽之摻雜濃度對其操作電壓與雙穩態效果之影響及(4)利用塗有PVA薄膜(無摩擦配向)之基板所製成的液晶盒對其記憶性與操作電壓之影響。
The research topics in this thesis, entitled electrically switchable scattering mode light shutters based on mesoporous silica-doped nematic liquid crystals, include three sections. The first one is to discuss the effects of mesoporous materials with different structures onto the liquid crystal (LC) scattering light shutters, fabricated by hollow sphere mesoporous silica (HSMS) and Santa Barbara Amorphous-15 (SBA15)-doped LCs individually. The performance of transmission and scattering states of the above scattering light shutters can be examined by the measurements of transmittance versus applied voltage curves. Then, the scattering mode light shutters made by HSMS doped into dual-frequency LCs are used to examine the effects of the applied AC electric fields with high/low frequencies onto the switch between transmission and scattering states. According to the results of the above experiments, the mechanisms of operating shch LC scattering mode light shutters can be deduced indirectly. The second part is to analyze the influences of ordered and disordered SBA15 doped into positive LCs on the transmittance of the obtained scattering mode light shutters. According to the results of the measured transmittance versus applied voltage (1 kHz and 10 Hz) curves, further comparisons of scattering mode light shutters between ordered and disordered SBA15 doped into positive LCs will be presented. Finally, according to the results of the obtained transmittance versus applied voltage curves and the visual observations of the LC cell applied with AC electric fields, the bistable effect of LCs doped with ordered and disordered SBA15 having different concentrations on the LC scattering mode light shutters is discussed. The third part mainly discusses the effect of positive LCs doped with hole-expanding disordered SBA15 on LC scattering mode light shutters. The results of transmittance versus applied voltage curves are used to analyze the effects of disordered SBA15 and hole-expanding disordered SBA15 doped into positive LCs individually. Based on the above experimental results, the following four topics, in which the employed materials include positive LCs doped with the hole-expanding disordered SBA15, will be discussed. The four topics are (1) the influences of hole-expanding disordered SBA15 doped into different positive LCs on its operating voltage and bistable effect; (2) the effect of different coated thin films on the bistability of LC scattering mode light shutters; (3) the influences of the doping concentration of the hole-expanding disordered SBA15 on its operating voltage and bistable effect; and (4) the effects of LCs cell made of two substrates coated with PVA (without rubbing processes) on the memory effect (bistability) and operating voltage.