
首頁 學術研究 畢業論文
An integrated heralded single photon source based on STIRAP using Ti-PPLN waveguides 姓名 : 李仰騰


In recent years, the explosively growing field of quantum information science has driven a dramatic surge of research into developing single photon sources with high brightness, robustness and scalability. In this work, we have experimentally demonstrated the first fully-integrated heralded single photon source using ti-diffused periodically poled lithiun niobate (PPLN) waveguides. A novel design of ultra-broadband, highly fabrication tolerant PBS and pump filter based on spatial adiabatic passage is proposed. The measured PERs for TE and TM polarizations are greater than 15 dB over a wavelength range of 140 nm and 100 nm, respectively, even in the presence of near 1 µm width deviation. Due to the background noise caused by free space coupling and scattering, the highest PERs are limited to near 15 dB level, which will be further improved by endfacet fiber pigtailing.

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