Optical model for LED die operated at UVC range of wavelength around 275 nm
姓名 : 黎秋玉
This thesis presents the optical model for a type of LED emitting a wavelength of the 275 nm and the design of lenses that increase the ability to direct light into a given target area, which satisfy the requirements such as uniformity, optical utilization factor (OUF). By using high-precision simulation software, Advanced Systems Analysis Program (ASAP), the light model for LED is established in simulation and verification by empirical measurement. Light models of LEDs in simulations and experiments that match up to 99% are considered standard. This model can be used to design lenses for LED and predict the optical performance of light when passing through the lens in the simulation. In this work, we design two types of lenses for LED: TIR lens and Fresnel Lens based on the requirements of optical utilization factor (OUF) and uniformity in the target area. After the design, the lenses manufacturing process at the factory are conducted. Through experimental measurements, we obtain the optical performance of light. Finally, we compare the results achieved between simulation and experiment and discussion.