
首頁 學術研究 畢業論文
非接觸式光學量測應用於生物醫學 姓名 : 陳盈運


This paper is to establish three different non-contact optical measurement systems used in the biomedical field. The first system uses optical moiré to automatically determine the location of moiré pattern, record the cycle of pattern change and calculate the height and height change at any spot of a test surface. This system can analyze the conditions of pulse which include the location (image processing of moiré pattern), rhythm (via frequency), shape (via moiré pattern) and strength of pulse (via amplitude). The second system uses a condenser microphone to measure the pulse of wrist. Signals captured by the microphone is filtered and transmitted to a computer for a fast Fourier transform (FFT) to be converted into heart rate. This device follows the practice of pulse reading in Chinese medicine and applies three different pressures of 50mmHg, 80mmHg and 110mmHg at wrist, guan and cubit. The two measurement methods above analyze and quantify the pulse reading in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The third system uses the concept of laser optical triangulation which injects different concentrations of formalin reagent into animal to obtain different frequencies of stimuli (empty injection, 12% formalin, 37% formalin). The results show positive correlation, so that pain can be quantified.

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