Study of Polymer-Based Optical Network on Chip
姓名 : 陳進達
In this dissertation, we proposed a concept of polymer-based optical network on chip (ONoC), which is developed on the silicon optical bench (SiOB) with the 45° micro-reflectors. This silicon platform with a silicon trench can provide independent photonic and electrical layers, respectively for high-speed and low-speed (except high-frequency transmission lines) data transmissions on a chip. The photonic layer is composed of the polymer waveguides and silicon 45° micro-reflectors, where the 45° micro-reflector as a vertical-transition structure is utilized for out-of-plane optical coupling. In order to study the optical and high-speed characteristics of polymer-based ONoC, its point-to-point and point-to-multipoint (1 x 2 optical interconnects as an example in this dissertation) optical links using the polymer waveguide terminated at 45° micro-reflectors are investigated step by step.
For the study of point-to-point optical interconnects based on the SiOB with the polymer waveguides, the 45-mirror terminated polymer waveguide is realized to demonstrate an on-chip non-coplanar optical coupling. Its total transmission of -3.77 dB (single-mode fiber (SMF) as input, multi-mode fiber (MMF) as output) and the channel-to-channel cross talk suppressed down to -40 dB are experimentally obtained, respectively. Besides, the large 1-dB alignment tolerances for a SMF at input port and a MMF at output port can be more than ± 10 um, that will facilitate the laser and PD assembly onto the SiOB; In order to demonstrate the high-speed transmission capability of chip-level point-to-point optical interconnects, the VCSEL/ PD and the driver/amplifier IC as well as the polymer waveguides combined with the 45° micro-reflectors are integrated on the SiOB, respectively. The total optical transmission (VCSEL-to-waveguide-to-PD via two 45° micro-reflectors) is -4.7 dB. The clear eye pattern and bit error rate (BER) better than 10-12 for the proposed architecture are successfully demonstrated, respectively as the data rate is up to 20 Gbit/s.
For the research of polymer-based point-to-multipoint optical interconnects on the SiOB, a polymer waveguide combined with three silicon 45° micro-reflectors are realized to demonstrate a two-port optical proximity coupling of the off-chip optical interconnects based on the polymer 1 × 2 vertical splitter. The wide 1-dB alignment tolerances at least ±10 μm for two output ports are achieved, that will facilitate not only the fiber assembly for off-chip optical interconnects, also PD assembly onto the SiOB for on-chip optical interconnects with multiple output ports; The chip-level high-speed optical interconnects based on the polymer 1 × 2 vertical splitter is also demonstrated. One VCSEL and two PD chips are flip-chip assembled onto the splitter to demonstrate the point-to-multipoint high-speed optical interconnects. The total optical transmission is- 3.26 dB with a power-splitting ratio of unity. The high-speed transmission experiment shows the reasonable 10-Gbit/s eye patterns for the proposed architecture under a low bias current (3 mA) of VCSEL. The BERs better than 10-12 at two output ports under a 5-mA bias current are also achieved. It indicates that such the chip-level 1 × 2 optical interconnects using the polymer vertical splitter is suitable for high-speed data transmission with multiple output ports.