The Optical Society and Optical Society of Korea Name the 2018 Sang Soo Lee Award Recipient
WASHINGTON—The Optical Society (OSA) and the Optical Society of Korea (OSK) are pleased to name Cheng-Chung Lee, National Central University, Taiwan, the 2018 Sang Soo Lee Award recipient. Lee is recognized for guiding, educating, developing and inspiring the optical coating industry in Taiwan for more than 30 years and serving as a key figure in its growth and success.
This year marks the fifth anniversary of the Sang Soo Lee Award, which was established jointly by OSA and OSK to honor Prof. Sang Soo Lee for his pioneering role in establishing optics in the Republic of Korea as well as founding the Optical Society of Korea.
The award recognizes outstanding leadership in founding or growing an optics and photonics community in a specific population, anywhere in the world. It honors individuals who played a key role in a specific region, through research and/or education in optics or photonics, introduction of a new field in optics or photonics, or initiation of an optics and photonics industry.
Cheng-Chung Lee received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Arizona College of Optical Sciences, USA, in 1983. He is a Fellow of OSA and SPIE. Dr. Lee returned to Taiwan at a time when the thin-film industry was quite undeveloped. With his experiences and endeavors, he helped transform the industry into a viable sector that is able to support today’s impressive advances in optics and optoelectronics. His research interests are concentrated in thin film optics, coating processes and interferometry.
Lee has raised funds for a new building, founded the Department of Optics and Photonics and Thin Film Technology Center, served as Dean of the College of Science at National Central University and mentored more than 230 Masters and Ph.D. students. He also served as president of the Taiwan Photonics Society and the Taiwan Vacuum Society.
“Dr. Lee is most deserving of this award in that he has devoted most of his scientific career to aiding development of Taiwan’s successful thin-film industry--including educating the next generation of scientists who will carry his pioneering efforts further still,” says Award Selection Committee Chair and OSK President-elect, Byoungho Lee, Seoul National University, South Korea.
“Much of the growth in Taiwan’s optical coating industry can be attributed to Dr. Lee’s efforts,” notes Ursula Gibson, OSA President-elect and professor with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway. “Through his work, Dr. Lee has established new opportunities for current and future generations. His legacy and impact will continue long into the future. It is a special pleasure to see Cheng-Chung honored, as he has been a valued colleague since our time at the University of Arizona.”
About The Optical Society
Founded in 1916, The Optical Society (OSA) is the leading professional organization for scientists, engineers, students and business leaders who fuel discoveries, shape real-life applications and accelerate achievements in the science of light. Through world-renowned publications, meetings and membership initiatives, OSA provides quality research, inspired interactions and dedicated resources for its extensive global network of optics and photonics experts. For more information, visit osa.org.
About the Optical Society of Korea
Founded in 1989, the Optical Society of Korea is the leading academic society in the field of optics and photonics in Korea. OSK provides academic activities including domestic and international optics conferences, tutorials, seminars, workshops, and publishing services including journals, technical digests, monographs, and technical bulletins. For more information, visit osk.kr.
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Members are invited to recognize and celebrate the achievements of colleagues with a nomination for an OSA award. OSA awards and medals span all areas of optics and photonics, as well as contributions made to the community, education, and innovation.
Unless noted below, the deadline for an award nomination is 1 October. Nominations received after the deadline or those that are incomplete will be held for consideration the following year. The next two consecutive award committees automatically consider any nominee not selected for the award. Award recipients are announced in March of the year following the nomination deadline.
Frederic Ives Medal/Jarus W. Quinn Prize
- the highest award of the Society, the Ives Medal recognizes overall distinction in opticsEsther Hoffman Beller Medal
- recognizes outstanding contributions to education in optical science and engineeringMax Born Award
- recognizes contributions to physical optics
Stephen D. Fantone Distinguished Service Award
- recognizes service to the optical community (usually presented in even-numbered years only)
Michael S. Feld Biophotonics Award
- recognizes individuals for their innovative and influential contributions to the field of biophotonics, regardless of their career stage
Paul F. Forman Team Engineering Excellence Award
- recognizes team technical achievements in optical engineering. Deadline: July 10
Joseph Fraunhofer Award/Robert M. Burley Prize
- recognizes research accomplishments in the field of optical engineering
The Joseph W. Goodman Book Writing Award
- recognizes authorship of an outstanding book in the field of optics and photonics, published in the last six years, that has contributed significantly to research, teaching, or the optics and photonics industry (co-sponsored with SPIE and presented in even-numbered years only)
Nick Holonyak Jr. Award
- recognizes contributions to optics based on semiconductor-based devices and optical materials, including basic science and technological applications
Robert E. Hopkins Leadership Award
- recognizes an individual or group who has had a significant impact on the global optics and photonics community or has had a significant impact on society as a whole stemming from non-research oriented activities
Edwin H. Land Medal
- recognizes pioneering work empowered by scientific research to create inventions, technologies, and products (co-sponsored with the Society for Imaging Science and Technology). Nominations for the 2019 award should be submitted to the Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T) by 1 October.
Sang Soo Lee Award
- recognizes outstanding leadership in founding or growing the optics and photonics community locally (co-sponsored with the Optical Society of Korea and presented in even-numbered years only)
Emmett N. Leith Medal
- recognizes seminal contributions to the field of optical information processing
Ellis R. Lippincott Award
- recognizes contributions to vibrational spectroscopy (co-sponsored with the Coblentz Society and the Society for Applied Spectroscopy)
Adolph Lomb Medal
- recognizes noteworthy contributions made to optics at an early career stage
C.E.K. Mees Medal
- recognizes an original use of optics across multiple fields.
William F. Meggers Award
- recognizes outstanding work in spectroscopy
David Richardson Medal
- recognizes contributions to optical engineering, primarily in the commercial and industrial sector
Kevin P. Thompson Optical Design Innovator Award
- recognizes contributions to lens design, optical engineering, or metrology at an early career stage.
Edgar D. Tillyer Award
- recognizes distinguished work in the field of vision.
Charles Hard Townes Medal
- recognizes contributions to quantum electronics
OSA Treasurer's Award
- recognizes an OSA employee who contributes significantly to organizational excellence, promotes and enacts innovate solutions or exemplifies inspirational leadership. Deadline: July 10
John Tyndall Award
- recognizes contributions to fiber optic technology (co-sponsored with the IEEE/Photonics Society). Nominations for the 2019 award should be submitted to IEEE Photonics Society by 18 August.
Herbert Walther Award
- recognizes distinguished contributions in quantum optics and atomic physics as well as leadership in the international scientific community (co-sponsored with Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG)). Deadline: 10 August.
R. W. Wood Prize
- recognizes an outstanding discovery, scientific or technological achievement or invention