- 〔專題演講: 吳明勳 副教授 〕Some New Developments in Combustion: From the Nanoscale to Megascale
- 〔專題演講: Dr. Joshua Sack〕Logic and its Applications to the Sciences
- 〔專題演講: 李耀昌 先生〕Paleontological Applications of Synchrotron-based Infrared Microspectroscopy
- 〔專題演講: 李企桓教授〕Using an Optical Software to Build the Human Eye Model and to Design Visual Systems
(RALS 2014) The Reliability of Advanced Light Sources Workshop 2014
- 中央大學薄膜中心十週年紀念研討會
- 〔專題演講: 林芳正教授〕Imperceptible SSVEP Stimuli for Brain-Display Interfaces
- 〔專題演講: 朱士維教授〕Superresolution optical microscopy based on scattering
- 〔專題演講: 王家蓁教授〕Spectroscopic Studies of Complexd Molecular Assemblies
- 〔專題演講: 姚宏宗教授〕3D列印之逆向掃描與應用