
課程大綱 OS6016 干涉光學 更新日期: 2017-02-20


1. E. Hecht, “Optics”
2. G. R. Fowles, “Introduction to Modern Optics”
3. M. Born and E. Wolf, "Principles of Optics"
4. 講義

1. Polarization (linear, circular, elliptical) 
2. Jones Calculus 
3. Young’s Experiment (extended source, white light) 
4. Van Cittert-Zernike theorem and Michelson stellar interferometer 
5. Theory of partial coherence (coherent time, coherence length)
6. Fourier transform spectroscopy
7. Intensity interfefometry 
8. Plane parallel plate and thin wedge
9. Interference with multiple beams
10. Fabry-Perot interferometer
11. Theory of multilayer films
12. Grating interferometer
13. Self imaging and Talbot interferometer
14. Moire interferometry
15. Holography and holographic interferometry
16. Etc. (Interference microscopy, phase-shifting interferometry, speckle interferometry, Burch’s scatter-plate interferometer, Michelson-Morley experiment, Twyman-Green interferometer, Sagnac interferometer, heterodyne interferometry, Ronchi test, polarization interferometer, Rayleigh interferometer, Fizeau interferometer, Jamin’s interferometer)

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