
課程大綱 OS7121 Topics on Mesoscopic Physics 更新日期: 2025-02-27
Learning the physics and numerical skills for researches in the topological insulators related topics


Text book: A Short Course on Topological Insulators: Band Structure and Edge States in One and Two Dimensions (Lecture Notes in Physics) by Janos K. Asboth, Laszlo Oroszlany, and Andras Palyi Reference Book: 1. Topological Insulators and Topological Superconductors by B. Andrei Bernevig and Taylor L. Hughes 2. Topological Insulators: Dirac Equation in Condensed Matter (2017 Ed.) by Shun-Qing Shen

1. Berry phase
2. Chern number
3. Zak phase and topological polarization
4. 1D and 2D lattice models
5. Graphene model and descrete symmetries
6. Quantum Hall Effect
7. Haldane model
8. Kane-Mele & BHZ models
9. Z2 invariants
10. Topological photonics
11. Topological acoustics
12. Topological mechanics

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