
課程大綱 OS1007 光電科技概論II 更新日期: 2025-02-21
本課程引導學生瞭解光學與光電的發展與基本概念, 並訓練其搜尋資料的能力。


光電科技概論 第二版 2010. E. Hecht, Optics 4th Ed 2001. S. O. Kasap, Optoelectronics and Photonics 2001. M. Born and E. Wolf, Principle of Optics 7th Ed 2007. M. Klein & T. Furtak, Optics 2nd Ed 1986. Jenkins & White, Fundamentals of Optics.

About the course (課程簡介)
Introduce to DOP (光電系簡介)
Seminar on Geometrical Optics (幾何光學)
Seminar on Refractive Index (折射率)
Seminar on Telescope (望遠鏡)
Seminar on Microscope (顯微鏡)
Seminar on Color & Colorimetry (色彩)
Seminar on Wave Optics (波動光學)
Seminar on Interference (干涉)
Midterm report (期中考/報告)
Seminar on Diffraction (繞射)
Seminar on Polarization (偏振)
Seminar on Electromagnetic Wave (電磁波)
Seminar on Quantum Optics (量子光學)
Seminar on Blackbody Radiation (黑體輻射)
Seminar on Photoelectric Effect (光電效應)
Seminar on Lasers (雷射)
Final report (期末報告)

地址: 320317 桃園市中壢區中大路300號 國鼎光電大樓 電話: 03-4227151 ext 65251 傳真: 03-4252897 Email: ncu5251@ncu.edu.tw
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